Thursday, July 2, 2009

Jet Lag

A wise man once told me, "It usually takes about one day for each time zone you cross to fully feel normal again." I'm not certain how many timezones I crossed. For those of you with no idea, Melbourne is +14 hrs for MI and +16 for CO. That's right, I'm in the future.
Everyone and their dog has advice on how to get normal faster. The Footy game kept me up pretty late, 11pm, on my first day. However, I was still wide awake at 3 am. Hmm. The next night was worse. My dinner didn't sit well, so my stomach was upset and I was a raging mean girl by 830pm. To bed by 9, and up at 3 again!
Over the last few days, things have gotten better. I can stay up until 9-930 and sometimes 10pm. I still wake up at 6am, which is totally unnecessary, but at least I am sleeping for 8hours. Today, however, I might try a nap.

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