Tuesday, January 12, 2010

With Attitude

My initial sighting was probably about 2 months ago, as I was walking home from the park. One of the pubs I pass to get home has a recess in its facade. The bench for the tram stop occupies this space. As I approached the tram stop, I could see a crazy shoe ensemble popping out from the recess where the waiting bench is. It was one of my all time favorite combos, the curious sock/sandal phenomena. The sock was bobby style, but instead of being folded over, it was rolled down. The shoe on the foot was a hybrid shoe sandal, with a dab of the pale blue sock peeking out of the open toe. "This is going to be good," I thought.
When I got to the recess in the building I saw THE MOST fabulous sight. It was an astonishingly old woman waiting for the tram. She had white curls brimming from underneath a small woven hat. Her skin was powdery, with smooth wrinkles, and she had on large, light blue "Sally Jesse Raphael" prescription glasses. She wore a pale blue sweater, with the cuffs of the sleeves rolled up; as to not interfere with the paper coffee cup in her left hand and the cigarette in her right. As I walked by, I had to slow down so I could drink her up. I pretended to read the tram schedule just so I could take her in. I could only think of one thing: Bad Ass.
I really wanted to take her picture but I was just too shy to ask. I got home and tried to make a sketch, but it just came out all wrong. So, I have engraved her in my memory.
The other day, I was taken aback to exit the train station, and find her before me again. She was sitting on a different tram bench, but she had the ciggie in hand, and the same glasses and hat. Her socks were different socks, but still with sandals. Again, I was paralyzed with awe. I wanted to take her picture again, but it would have just been too weird. Instead, I took a picture of her back, from across the street. She looks like she might be able to kick my ass, so I wanted to be careful. After, I was walking toward my house. I turned around and watched her cross the street and shuffle the opposite direction from me. I'm pretty sure the sit on the bench was just a cigarette break.
It occurred to me over the weekend that this lady is like someone I know; like someone I've seen before. I was finally able to put my finger on it.Just like Maxine! That might also explain the predisposed intimidation I was feeling.

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