Friday, June 19, 2009


I used to think that help was overrated, until I actually needed it. But I didn't really know I needed it...but isn't that how it goes?
Help was forced upon me by means of someone simply showing up and insisting on doing work. When I refused, like "I'm not sure what you can do." The helper recommended simple tasks such as piling up wall art for her to wrap. AH -HA. That day paved the way for 8 days of apartment packing...Thanks, Sam!

The other interesting thing about help is that it comes from those whom you least expect. I mean, sometimes your best friend isn't necessarily jumping up and down hoping you pick them. A lovely woman named Nicole, who I've known for months but not really hung out with, cleaned my kitchen and Windexed my windows. Someone let me borrow their car. The comment, "you would do the same for me," was made and I was like, "hmm, not sure, this experience is enough for me." Maybe I would lend the car, that's painless.

My favorite part was Sam and Liz over at 11:30 at night packing packing up the electronics. 3 girls, many cords, and Jim's most favorite items...don't worry, baby. The best part was the sub woofer protected in garbage bags and labeled "receiver". I love that kind of help!

Movers were the best $300 investment! After 4 hours of labor, Jeff and Andy (an Englishman) left me with an empty apartment and a storage unit filled from floor to ceiling, back to front. There was only 1 square foot of space remaining and that perfectly housed the vacuum. Andy must be really good at Tetris.

1 comment:

  1. so i guess i won't be retrieving anything from storage when i come home in september?
