Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Milford Track: Day 2

This day was gorgeous! We awoke to clouds, but they burned off early. We started walking through Mackinnon Pass, working our way toward the summit. The day was looooooong. We hiked 10miles. It took us about 7 hours. We proceeded at a medium pace and took heaps of photos. It was magical fairy land. The rain the day before had swollen all the mosses. Everything was green and lush.
Soft and fluffy moss.

Water so clear and trout so big.

More of the pass
Waterfalls abound; they were everywhere. When you couldn't hear the creek, you would hear the birds, when there were no birds, you could hear a waterfall.

A great day, but we were a bit out of practice and we couldn't wait to get our boots off.

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