Tuesday, May 4, 2010


One thing most other countries better than the US is VACATION! Aussie employees get a mandatory 4 weeks of holiday leave at minimum! There is a campaign called "No Leave, No Life" to promote holidaying in Australia. Their catch phrase is "Win the work/life battle with an Aussie holiday."
There are billboards for this campaign all over. We first saw them in the train station in Sydney, now they have made their way to South Yarra as well. They are great!

No, sadly my train is not made of camels :(

So, even though the Aussies get 4 weeks, they feel like they should get more. You know, the whole "work hard, play hard" deal. According to this article, the US is doing okay, but we are more in line with the all work Asia market than the laid back Europeans. I have met several people here who take their 4 weeks all at once and do an African safari, tour the US or trek through Europe. These month long vacations do sound enticing. What do you think?

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