Friday, April 16, 2010

Lisa explains it all...Sydney Wedding

Sorry ya' release SOON!

Many of you may be wondering how this wedding business all came about. I will share now.
We had been planning a wedding something for back in the US of A. However, sometime around the end of Feb and beginning of March, the plan changed. We miss CO and in order for us to return there, Jim needed to accept a recently opened position at his old office. Reluctantly, we decided that one year was good enough for living away, instead of our intended 18 months. During March, I looked into getting married in Sydney, but had shelved the idea. You needed to lodge your notice 28days in advance with your celebrant. I missed that window.
Meanwhile, Lahna and Kevin Ward had booked their trip to AU. They were coming to Melbourne, going up to the Great Barrier Reef, then to going to Sydney. Since our time here was shortened, we pushed our Sydney trip up to April; coordinating it with the Ward's holiday plan. During March, I looked into getting married in Sydney, but had shelved the idea. You needed to lodge your notice 28days in advance with your celebrant. I missed that window.

I hadn't mentioned anything Jim about checking on a Sydney wedding. Then, about March 25th, he comes home from work and asks, "what about getting married in Sydney?" That pretty much sealed the deal. All we had to do was a lot of leg work.
Lahna & Kevin arrived on Monday the 31st. We shared our plans with them, Lahna agreed to be a witness. Tuesday, I contacted celebrant Helen Wyld. She was SO flexible, encouraging and helpful. We had to lodge the paperwork with her. Did I mention Easter was coming? Australian have holiday on Good Friday and the following Monday. On Tuesday, we had to go to the Marriage Registry of Victoria and plead our case to have a shortening of time on our the lodgement of our paperwork. We provided the woman with our witness' airline itinerary, an email from Jim's boss about moving early, and Jim's plane ticket. She granted approval.
Yay!! Here is what the rest of the week looked like.ta dah!
Tuesday: Marriage Registry approval. Found $80 dress.

Wednesday: Shopped with Susi, but didn't buy anything. Didn't find green shoes, but found fab pink one. Had to have a think about it. Later, succumbed to the pink shoes. Started looking for pink accessories.
This is Susi...she's a goddess.

Thursday: Returned to the factory outlets with Susi. Bought pink shoes. Bought shirt, tie, pants, belt and shoes for Jim. Based on some stuff Helen had sent, Jim and I wrote our wedding ceremony.
Really, how could I not?

Friday: Off to Sydney. Met with Helen. Had dinner and sightseeing with Kev and Lahna.
Tripod proved useful!

Saturday: Purchased bridal bouquet on the fly at a florist by our hotel. Bought Jim better pants. Walked around The Rocks area of Sydney. Toured the street market. Got Lahna a dress and found perfect wedding jewelry. Early dinner and then Bridge Climb! Late dinner.
Take away bridal bouquet, coming right up.

Just having a pash on the largest single arch span bridge in the world, no big whoop.

Sunday: Check out of hotel and head to Kev and Lahna's hotel. Dress. From Darling Harbor, catch a ferry to McMahon's Point. Meet up with Mel, Gus and Helen. Get married! Take lots of photos. Go back to Darling Harbor and eat the best steak ever! Take the shoes off and go back to Kev and Lahna's. Change clothes and watch TV for an hour before going to the airport to head home.
You know, just got hitched, now waiting for the train.

So, there it is. Yes, I am amazing. I only went crazy one time, right before we left for Sydney. And it was over the dishes not being done.
Of course, I am SO appreciative: Susi dedicated her 2 days off to my cause! She was helpful, pragmatic, patient and at all times, genuinely excited and enthusiastic. Lahna and Kevin took excellent care of us, as only family can. Kevin recorded our ceremony. Gus took fancy photos. Lahna and Melissa were great emotional support and provided pretty signatures as our witnesses. Helen was amazing with her "fly by the seat of your pants," yet very organized approach...exactly what I needed! Jim was amazing. Thank you for wearing pink and red for the day! Oh, and marrying me :)
Although we couldn't share our day with everyone, we had the best time! Lots of laughs, emotion and love. A truly perfect day.This post is brought to you by Coffee.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Sad you gotta leave but the memories will last forever.
