Friday, April 23, 2010

Cat Sitting

Our German friends planned a long holiday away. To our pleasure, they took us up on our offer to house their cat for 4.5 weeks while they tour various countries.
Buster is a Manx cat. Essentially, this means he doesn't have a tail. He kind of has a "nubbin". It is a bit weird, as it moves around, like a normal tail wagging. Coincidentally, Jim has taken to calling him "Nubbins."

As of today, his new fave lounge spot is some prime real estate on the counter. I think maybe he feels camouflaged there.

Getting used to having a borrowed animal takes some getting used to. We loved the idea of having a furry little beast running around. We assumed that he would sleep with us and love to be pet. To the contrary, Buster likes being pet for a while. At 9pm he turns into a demon, running all over the place. He has an internal alarm clock that didn't get the message about Daylight Savings Time. He was waking and mewing at our door (demon mode prohibits allowance into the bedroom) 5 am instead of 6. We had a little chat about it. It seems to be sorted out now.

The calm before the storm

After two weeks, we now have all grown accustom to, and acceptant of one another. Buster is up in my bidness all day. He sleeps on the desk, curled up right in front of my laptop. If I am in the kitchen, he is standing right there, curiously waiting to see what I am doing or if I will put a round object on the counter for him to knock off. He has created a running track from one end of our lounge room to the other. It goes right through my keyboard.

Desk Kitteh

I have accepted that I can't control him. If our house was bigger, I would see him less. But our house is tiny. If he isn't near me, I know he is under the bed. (This is me turning into a big softy) Buster is waiting in the middle of the room when I come in the front door. He greets me with his special dolphin speak, as he doesn't meow in the normal sense. He is so cute and soft and makes me laugh. When he does make me mad, I have to remember that he doesn't know any better. Sometimes though, I wonder if that's just what he wants me think.

An unflattering rear shot of a skillful escape. Mr Kitteh No Tail.

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