Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Little Bit of Lingo

Sometimes, it's the small things that make the biggest difference.

Trivia night at our local pub boasts a round called "Sink or Swim." The MC displays a tin can announces what we will be testing that evening, for example: fried clams in garlic marinade, barf, i mean beef-a-roni, sardines. We note on our play sheet if we think the contents of the tin will sink or swim(float) when dumped/poured into a pitcher of water. We later test that theory and partake in another great phenomena; that some people will do anything to get their team an extra point for pub trivia. After our curiosity is satisfied (everything always sinks), 3 people voluntarily gather around the MC. He asks if they will accept 2 points to scull (chug) the party punch/science experiment mixture. If they say no, he will go up in points. They always say "yes" so he then moves down in points. The girls are usually uncooperative after this, as the next question is "will you scull it with your pants off?" Typically, there is one guy that always accepts the 1 point. I have seen him scull the juice in only his boxers. Here he is just pantless. It's always an impressive show.
Before I joined the trivia team, they had really boing team names. They would change it every week. Usually, it described what all of them had ordered for dinner: 2 Pizzas, 2 Parmas. We have been using the best name for the last 2 weeks and the MC did a double take when announcing the scores and seeing our team of plain janes cheer. We are in ranks with "nothing says f*ck you like a punch in the dick", "Trivia Newton John", and my favorite, the group of gay men + 1 lesbian +1 cross dresser as "Twisted Sisters".
History of the name: My friend, Liz, was the first to save my ass when I used the seemingly meanless American phrase of "double fisting." She was drinking wine and champagne when we were watching a footy match at the pub. I called her out on her "double fisting" and her eyes got really wide. She then schooled me on the meaning of that phrase here in Oz and it is quite different. Is the literal act, a hem, sexually. You can see, quite inapporiate here. We shared the story at trivia because I accidentally let it slip again when one of our team mates poured himself 2 glasses of water. It is the perfect team name.

Here is another quick tale of wordage. At work, I noticed everyone says "chuck it in the bin" to mean, "throw it away". I have been saying "toss it in the bin," as it comes more natural to me. I learnt (the Aussie past tense for learned) the other day that "toss it" can sound too close to "tosser". Tosser is like wanker. It was described to me like this, "Men are wankers cause they wank."
Time to start chucking.

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