Thursday, October 15, 2009

Now I'm a real girl!

After A LOT of footwork and info gathering, I am happy to report I have secured a 457 Visa which allows me to just about anything a citizen can do! Yay!
To come here, I secured a 462 Working Holiday Visa. The only problem with this is you are only "allowed" to work for up to 6 months for any single person/company. Technically, I could have had 2 6mo jobs. At the end of my year (June) I would have to leave the country and apply for a travel visa for the remainder of our time here. With that visa you are not allowed to work. However, with a sponsor letter from Jim's company, health insurance, proof of defacto relationship in the form of our previous lease, a photo copy of my passport and $260 I am able to stay here as long as Jim (up to 4 yrs) and have full work rights. That is much better for potential employers. Now they just need to hire me.

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