Saturday, May 23, 2009

Learning to embrace disaster

Here it is, my blog!
Perhaps, I should have started with Jim's departure day last week, but today will work too.

Jim left last Wednesday. In that time (9 days), I have:
Had a garage sale and made +$150
Resigned from my job (4 days left!)
Watched the Nuggets lose one and win one against LA
Eaten at Casa Bonita for the first and last time
Successfully driven his MANUAL car from the parking lot to the street- they are resurfacing the parking lot- with the help of a friend on the phone and

I noticed how my boyfriend had posted a photo with some of the more in depth posts. I like that. This first photo post will be a bit embarrassing, but true.
With the onset of my garage sale, I proceeded to destroy my apartment in the pursuit of items to sell. All books were removed from a bookcase and placed on the dining table. All paper products neatly arranged in a utility cabinet are now strewn about my office. Clothing once organized lay in disarray on the floor, as if my closet got sick. Even more clothes, once dirty and now clean, lay unfolded on the futon. (I'm moving, why bother?)

And then today, the inevitable happens...the landlady wants to show the apartment!
OF COURSE, she does! She laughed heartily when I told her that would be impossible, at least until Tuesday. I think she might be a fellow clutterbug and can totally relate. So now I am off to straighten up before my Friday night begins.

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