Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Maybe the best day ever.

Lots of days, the weather reminds me of Michigan. Michigan in the fall after all the leaves have fallen off the trees and the sky is grey. Michigan in the spring before all the leaves bloom on the trees and the sky is grey. Here, there is probably about 1 day a week that it looks completely gorgeous out. You get all ready to leave the house, and out of no where, it might start to rain. Or you do make it out and it's sunny, but it's windy and cold. Sometimes, outside is a facade.
Afternoon is my best time of day. To be perfectly honest, on the grey days, I can sit in my jammies until 1pm. I explore the internet, play on Facebook, Skype and IM. Then, after a while, I start to feel guilty. Like, what the fuck am I doing? I'm in Australia. I need to go out...I have to. I have to for everyone that thinks living here is the shit.
So, after one of these pretty typical lazy mornings, I start to feel guilty. I get mad that I'm lazy. (Seriously though, I am in A City. I live here. I'm not here for month, I'm here for months. I pay to go places on the train. Doing something everyday would be expensive, and to be blunt, when my money goes out, it doesn't come back in.) For some reason, I just can't bring myself to go lift weights at the gym. It seems impossible. With all my clickety clacking on the internet, I discover that the John Brack art exhibit is on it's last weekend and today is Friday. I make a decision. I want coffee. I want cake. Screw Body for Life for today. I'm going out.
It's sunny. I get ready and go outside. All these clouds seemed to have rolled in from somewhere and the wind is gusty. Facade. I'm gonna sit and have a coffee and a super yummy treat, then catch a tram and head to the art exhibit. A higher power seemed to be spoiling my plans, like "No, you will not cheat on your diet." The normal place I get coffee was in the shade, I wanted a place in the sun. The second place I walked into didn't have any fabulous looking treats. I hear the tram and decide to postpone the cheating and get to the city. Besides, the museum has an indoor cafe.
The is a scrumptious looking flourless brownie in the dessert case. Table service: have a seat! As I sit at a deli-type bar seat, I watch 6 people leave in spite for not being waited on in sufficient time. This system seems broken, the server has to notice you for you to be waited on. I flag someone and she gives me the "2 minutes" hand signal. I will evacuate in 1o, 9, 8...really is this really happening, can I really not get a naughty treat? She comes over, I order. It's delicious enough.
I go to get my admission ticket, and I am told the John Brack exhibit is at the National Gallery Ian Potter Center, I am at the regular gallery. No worries, it's just down the street at Federation Square. When I walk outside, I notice that the weather has amazingly improved. The clouds have disappeared, the sun it out. Gorgeous.
I walk down to the other museum. It is at this big public space with restaurants with outdoor seating, a beer garden, it's lovely. I walk into this restaurant and survey the dessert case. The brownie wasn't what I was hoping, it was good, but not satisfying. I take a seat outside and order an ooy-gooey piece of sticky date pudding cake and a flat white coffee. Why the fuck not?! I read a book. My delight comes and I am overwhelmed with satisfaction, even before I taste it. As I indulge, a group of women aged in their 40s walk behind me. I hear one of them say, "look at that cake!" I almost ask them to join me. I could sense their involuntary salivation.
Like it or not, I would probably never eat something like this for no reason at home. Here though, even though I live here, I am on a vacation. And today, I am indulging in guiltless pleasure. Today, I'm gonna enjoy eating cake on a gorgeous day in downtown Melbourne, Australia.
The art exhibit was sweet too.


  1. That is exactly how Nikki and I gained a combined 50 pounds.... but oh well... ENJOY IT!!!

  2. I look forward to indulging when I get to AU. I've already got the middle-age spread!!
